President Kersti Kaljulaid’s Interview for Finnish Business Newspaper Kauppalehti: ‘Digital’ Supports a Return to Growth


Text by Jorma Pöysä / Kauppalehti

President Kaljulaid: The coon service route is a competitive advantage for companies in Finland and Estonia. mm

Estonia’s new president Kersti Kaljulaid is a staunch supporter of the liberal market economy. According to Kaljulaid, Estonia that has sunk into a slow growth similar to Finland will not be raised by centralized agreements holding back wage increases, but by selectively supporting the rise of the new economy where it is possible.

One of the new competitive advantages will be in the Estonian e-Residency, and the other one will be connecting the service routes developed jointly between Estonia and Finland next spring.

Kaljulaid believes that now there is a need to analyze where we are going. “I’ll leave the Finnish analysis to the Finnish experts, but I think we Estonians have fallen into the trap of median income,” the President contemplates the reasons for slow growth from the beautiful pink presidential palace located in Kadriorg Park. “International companies do not come here anymore to manufacture conventional products for familiar markets using traditional technology because the work would be cheaper here. For them, we are no longer the solution for their problems of facing cost competitiveness. Along with the changing situation, we ourselves must become innovation leaders. And this is happening: the ICT sector is already producing 4.6 percent of our gross domestic product. There is light at the end of the tunnel.”

Estonia’s average gross salary is EUR 1100 per month. Unit labor costs rose by 7.2 percent last year and are projected to continue to rise by 6.2 percent this year.

The growth of gross domestic product will this year remain within only a small percent, and the EU Commission predicts its acceleration next year to 2.3 and the following year to 2.6 per cent.

“We are in a transition, which leads to the renewed structure of the economy, in which higher wage levels are tolerated,” the president said. “Wages are relatively high and the jobs, which generate very little added value, are in trouble. We need to find new technologies and jobs that create more added value. We have to market more, go to new markets and create new brands. There is no need to turn the development backward and to limit the increase in wages administratively,” says Kaljulaid. “The ICT sector, for example, can withstand higher wages, as in Finland. We also know that the low-income sectors will eventually benefit from the success of the high-income sectors. Sure, there are sectors that are in trouble, but the new government agreement reflects it to some extent.”

Kaljulaid feels that a great opportunity for Estonia is the fact that the country has created a globally unique e-government, which is also open to nationals of other countries.

Every reputable citizen of the world can get a digital identity in Estonia reasonably fast. Once the identity has been received, its holder, inter alia, can set up a company in Estonia but also do much more. Estonian e-citizenship can be applied for electronically online. Upon acceptance of the application, the e-resident receives an e-Residency card with a chip. Once registered, a new e-resident can communicate electronically with the Estonian authorities and, for example, set up a business. The company’s dealings can be managed electronically from anywhere in the world. Also, bank transactions are an easy deal with e-Residency.

Alongside e-Residency, Kaljulaid considers it extraordinarily important that Estonians and Finns have developed jointly the Estonian national communications platforms based on the X-road, the service routes of which will be connected next spring. Compatibility is unique even on a global scale. The interlinking of Estonian and Finnish service routes allows for a smoother, faster and more secure exchange of information between different organizations. Initially, the tax authorities and the social security authorities will benefit from it, but it is also a big opportunity for our companies.

“The fact that the information systems of two independent states are linked so closely together, is a competitive advantage for both of us,” says Kaljulaid. “This has not been done anywhere else. We will be a great testing place for companies that want to know how to act in such a market and in the digital environment. We will together create a global interest in our region. It is important that companies are able to turn operating in the environment of low administrative costs, into a profit. Perhaps this way, both of our countries will get out of stagnation.”

Estonian e-citizenship and service routes are featured prominently, as Kaljulaid takes part in Slush, organized for the ninth time in Helsinki. In Slush, it is also possible to apply for Estonian e-citizenship, if you remembered to take your passport with you.

 Fuente: E-estonia

Estonia to Showcase its e-Solutions and Startup Community at Slush


Estonia to showcase its e-solutions and startup community at international technology conference Slush in Helsinki.

Estonia will be present at Slush 2016 on many fronts. In addition to hosting the official opening party Enter e-Estonia on the evening of November 29th, all Slush participants are welcome to the e-Estonia stand the Slush exhibition area to learn about world leading Estonian e-solutions, apply for e-Residency and explore the possibilities of the Estonian startup scene. Estonian President Kersti Kaljulaid will deliver a speech at the Estonian opening party as well as meet Estonian tech companies at the Estonian booth.

One of Estonia’s latest innovations, the government startup e-Residency will celebrate its 2nd birthday at Slush. Since December 2014, non-Estonians around the world have been invited to join the program and take advantage of Estonia’s convenient e-services. To this day, the program has attracted over 15 000 e-residents from 135 countries and over 1000 new companies.

The growing number of e-residents and their interest to establish and run their companies via e-Residency has inspired the country to continuously develop the program. “This year the Government of Estonia approved legislation that allows Estonian residents and e-residents to open bank accounts without visiting a bank branch. Currently the banks are building and testing the information technology solutions and hopefully they will be ready to offer their services in spring 2017,” said CIO of Estonia Taavi Kotka. Kotka added that opening a bank account online will be a big step for e-Residendy program as it will complete the otherwise already totally virtual business environment allowed by e-Residency.

In addition to being one of the most advanced digital societies, Estonia also boasts a strong startup scene. According to head of Startup Estonia Mari Vavulski, Estonia produces the biggest number of startups and seed stage investments per capita in Europe. “Estonia is small but nimble which makes it a perfect test ground for new innovative ideas. Our hassle free government listens to the start-ups and is constantly iterating to become one of the TOP5 startup ecosystems in Europe. We aim to be the birthplace of many more startup success stories and will showcase all the opportunities at Slush,” says head of Startup Estonia Mari Vavulski.

Estonia is also launching the startup visa scheme that will make it easier for non-Estonians to relocate or set up their startup in Estonia as well as enabling all startups registered in Estonia to recruit talent from everywhere. The new legislation will be enforced on 17th of January 2017.

e-Estonia at Slush 2016: 

– Tuesday, November 29 at 10 PM – Slush 2016 official opening party Enter e-Estonia taking place at Kuudes Linja, Kaiku and Stidilä complex. Entrance is open for all Slush Pass owners at 10 PM.

– Wednesday, November 30 at 11 AM – Estonian President Ms Kersti Kaljulaid to visit e-Estonia stand at Slush exhibition hall and meet Estonian startups.

– Slush participants are encouraged to apply for e-Residency at the e-Estonia stand at Slush (passport needed) or online at

– Thursday, December 1 at 1.15 PM – Funderbeam, the funding and trading engine for growth companies, will host a discussion at the e-Estonia stand. Founder and CEO, Kaidi Ruusalepp will discuss the Estonian Startup Ecosystem with Herty Tammo, founder of the region’s leading accelerator, Startup Wise Guys who is currently funding its next batch on Funderbeam. Tammo and Ruusalepp are ready to answer questions from participants from 1 PM to 3 PM.

– Estonian startups that made it into the Slush 100 Pitching Competition and will take the Pitching Stage are Reverse Resources, Wolfprint 3D, Insly Ltd, Shipitwise,


Prize winner announced for the e-Residency 2nd anniversary celebration at Slush 2016!


We are happy to announce the winner of our giveaway of a free trip to Slush 2016 to help e-Residency celebrate its 2nd anniversary!

Congrats to Barnabas Debreczeni on winning the prize! Barnabas was randomly chosen from over 1400 entries.

Even if you didn’t win the prize, you can still attend the e-Residency pre-party at Slush on November 29th (if you have a valid ticket to the Slush main event). Details will be announced soon!

Fuente: E-Estonia

Joining the e-State revolution: interoperability and digital identity, today


E-Estonia Showroom‘s manager Anna Piperal has recently been one of the keynote speakers at Civica Expo in Sidney, Australia. GovernmentNews, the country’s only independent website dedicated to all the aspects regarding how the State deals with matters of public administration, took the chance to have a chat with her on how Estonia turned out to be, only 25 years after gaining the independence after the collapse of USSR, one of the most advanced digital societies in the world.

It is something that did not happen by accident. Post-Soviet times Estonian governments, fully aware of the limited capabilities of the country in terms of size, population and natural resources, decided that the foundations for the new State should have been based on a new idea of society: a digital society, open, with citizen friendly services and public bureaus.

The way to go seemed to be quite obvious: wise use of internet and its potential. This is the concept behind the creation of a national ID card, of the X-Road system, of all the digital services aimed to ease life and business in Estonia. Interoperability among different offices’ databases, resilience of the system in terms of security, cooperation with the private sector in order to implement and develop valuable and efficient solutions for the government: these are only few of the cornerstones of Estonia’s digital revolution on the way to a new model for State-citizen relationships. In two words, on the way to the creation of a truly digital society. [Read the full article on GovernmentNews: “National identity card for Australians? Digital government lessons from Estonia“.]

But the Estonian digital revolution could not happen without significant changes in the concept of citizen’s identity. A system that works must be a system that is safe as well, where everyone could certainly do everything faster than in the past, but also being sure of the identity of the person which a subject comes to interact with Whether it is a person, whether it is a company, whether there is an active dialogue with the public administration involved.

BBC News‘ Nicola Smith opened an interesting thread on the topic with a point on the future of hand-written signature in the digital age. There is one country, together with few others, already living the experience of being part of the Digital Age. We will let you guess which one.

As the article reports, “In Estonia […] every resident over the age of 15 has an ID card protected by a personal identification number and containing a digital signature. This enables them to access government services, digitally sign documents, and vote electronically in parliamentary elections”.

The relevant point is that this is definitely not only a matter of showing the world that Estonia is one of the most digitally advanced countries in providing fast and efficient e-services to its citizens. It is also a matter of cost-effectiveness that actually helps the State in dealing with budget-related issues: 2% of Estonia’s GDP is saved every year as a result of the use of digital signatures. And who would not want to do something faster, safely and saving some money too? We all know the answer.

Fuente: e-Estonia